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Conjugación de cure

to curecurar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I cureyo curo
you curetú curas
he cures cura
she cures cura
we curenosotros curamos
you curevosotros curáis
they cureellos curan
they cureellas curan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I curedyo curé
you curedtú curaste
he curedél curó
she curedella curó
we curednosotros curamos
you curedvosotros curasteis
they curedellos curaron
they curedellas curaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have curedyo he curado
you have curedtú has curado
he has curedél ha curado
she has curedella ha curado
we have curednosotros hemos curado
you have curedvosotros habéis curado
they have curedellos han curado
they have curedellas han curado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had curedyo había curado
you had curedtú habías curado
he had curedél había curado
she had curedella había curado
we had curednosotros habíamos curado
you had curedvosotros habíais curado
they had curedellos habían curado
they had curedellas habían curado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will cureyo curaré
you will curetú curarás
he will cureél curará
she will cureella curará
we will curenosotros curaremos
you will curevosotros curaréis
they will cureellos curarán
they will cureellas curarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have curedyo habré curado
you will have curedtú habrás curado
he will have curedél habrá curado
she will have curedella habrá curado
we will have curednosotros habremos curado
you will have curedvosotros habréis curado
they will have curedellos habrán curado
they will have curedellas habrán curado

I would cureyo curaría
you would curetú curarías
he would cureél curaría
she would cureella curaría
we would curenosotros curaríamos
you would curevosotros curaríais
they would cureellos curarían
they would cureellas curarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have curedyo habría curado
you would have curedtú habrías curado
he would have curedél habría curado
she would have curedella habría curado
we would have curednosotros habríamos curado
you would have curedvosotros habríais curado
they would have curedellos habrían curado
they would have curedellas habrían curado

Participio presenteAnotado
curing curando

Participio pasadoAnotado
cured curado

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